Script Monkey – Agile Dev Ops Implementation

When we are ready to go-live, we will be with you all the way to ensure no downtime.

Script Monkey practises an Agile Dev Ops approach to implementing software. This means that we target staff and functions to start the roll-out and train in stages so that critical business functions are implemented under our watchful eyes.

We then add functions like layers of an onion until we reach full functionality and training. Staff are engaged by us mentoring throughout to ensure they have confidence with any new practises, and we operate a support scheme with each roll-out so key named staff are in constant contact with us until they no longer feel the need to ask for support.

Our software is designed to be modular so it can be implemented in parallel with earlier workflows and we will often take a staged approach to the new software so existing practises continue to be used by some staff and we use trained staff to onboard more and more people to using the new systems.

In this way, the fear of everything changing is mitigated and key knowledgeable staff get up to speed first, becoming the people who train less confident staff until all are onboard.

We fully appreciate that implementing changes to existing practises goes to the heart of your business and that your staff must 100% buy in. We have developed many practises to ensure out new system rollouts are successful and stress free.